Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Haven't felt much like blogging lately, even though there's been plenty of stuff to talk about. Heck, it's likely I haven't blogged lately because there's plenty of stuff to talk about, and little time to do so. But now, I blog again. We'll see how long this lasts. I'd like to do a random thought a day, and while that sounds easy, I have no idea if I'll keep it up.

So, here's today's random thought - Every have a night where you were exhausted, but just couldn't sleep? Ever had a night where everyone in your house was the same way? It happened frequently to me when I was younger. I'd come downstairs in the early hours, red-eyed and restless after finally surrendering to the fact that I wasn't going to sleep that night or maybe ever again, and the rest of my family would be milling about doing much the same.

The past few nights have been a repeat of this experience. Lying in bed, utterly exhausted but almost feverish with a surplus of this weird energy running through me. Not "Oh hey, let's go running!" energy, or chasing-your-thoughts-around type energy, just an odd electric current that won't let you sleep. Poor Layne's been getting just as crappy sleep, and it's not just because I've been thrashing around. (Actually, there's surprisingly little movement - I spent most of last night pressed against the wall on my side of the bed, praying to whatever gods would listen to just let me sleep.)

I hope I can sleep tonight.

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